SIP Trunking
For 20+ years, BBD has been providing voice services to large enterprise clients worldwide. BBD offers Outbound, Toll Free and DID service options, delivered via traditional TDM or VOIP, based upon customer requirements.
BBD’s network provides a 99.999% Service Level Agreement, the industry’s highest standard. Our network delivers full redundancy and high availability via our 8 fully redundant network Points of Presence, located in geographically diverse cities across North America. BBD can connect your business to our network via multiple POPs, providing geographic redundancy at the carrier network level, at no additional cost.
BBD’s network is state of the art, employing “intelligent network routing” capable of route advancing past downstream network issues in milliseconds. Our 30+ carrier downstream carrier routing mix also enables us to route around regional or nationwide issues related to any individual downstream carrier.
Outbound – BBD can deliver its Outbound services via traditional TDM (T.1/PRI handoff) or via native SIP, based upon client requirements.
Toll Free – BBD can deliver a full suite of Toll Free services, advanced Toll Free features and custom routing.
DID – BBD offers DIDs in every major market across North America and in select countries worldwide.
Talk to a BBD Sales Representative about how you can test BBD’s voice network on a trial basis, with no term or usage commitments, to experience firsthand our ability to bring your business “more for less” from its voice carrier!